viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Useful information for our Term Exams!

Dear Children: you'll be having your Term Exams from Thursday 21st to Thursday 28th. 
Remember that this is just an instance for you to work alone and to show everything you have learned during the term. You can revise from your folder. Any doubt ask your teachers!

The topics are:
  • Reading Comprehension: reading a text and answering questions.
  • Simple Present 
  • Simple Past
  • Opposites
  • Identify nouns , adjectives and verbs in a sentence. 
  • Writing a descriptive paragraph: punctuation: use of capital Letter, full stop, comma, question mark and exclamation mark. 
  • Vocabulary worked during the first term.
Good luck! :)

                                                                                        Miss Cande & Miss Connie

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

A World of Pure Imagination


Roald Dahl 1916-1990

Today we started working with Matilda and we discussed the importance of knowing the author of a story it will help us understand the plot and the characters better. This is the case of Roald Dahl, whose stories are highly influenced by his personal life. 

Here are some facts about this fantastic writer...

Then, we read this beautiful poem his unique "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory"...

Finally, we watched an extract from the movie "Willy Wonka", in which Gene Wilder interprets the poem beautifully...

With all these facts in mind, we are ready to start MATILDA, enjoy!!

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

Para agendar: Fechas de los trimestrales

 El día viernes 15 de mayo y lunes 18 estaremos realizando las evaluaciones de prácticas del lenguaje.
 Continuando el día martes 19 con el trimestral de matemática.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Nos preparamos para los trimestrales!!

Chicos y chicas de 4to:
Acá les dejamos los temas que se tendrán en cuenta para los trimestrales. De esta forma pueden ir revisando si tienen toda la información completa para estudiar en casa y también saber en qué temas hay que practicar más.

Prácticas del lenguaje:

- Comprensión lectora.
- Lectura silenciosa.
- Lectura en voz alta.
- Diferencias entre textos expositivos y cuentos.
- Comprensión de un texto expositivo.
- Producción escrita.
- Descripciones (utilizando adjetivos).
- Sustantivos propios y comunes.


- Numeración hasta 100.000. Lectura y escritura de números.
- Ubicación en la recta numérica.
- Operaciones de suma y resta.
- Multiplicación por la unidad seguida de ceros.
- Análisis de datos para resolver problemas.
- Problemas de multiplicación aplicados en situaciones de diversos sentidos.
- Cálculos mentales y cálculos de aproximación.

         MUCHA SUERTE!!
Lau y Vane

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Medieval Painting

We are painters!

First, we watched carefully how to mix all the elements. Then, we prepared our own paint just the way Leonardo would have done. LOOK...

We had a whole lot of fun!

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015


We are best friends... Do you have a best friend too?



Today we learned:


 A _ _ _ _ _ _ . N _ _ _ _ _ is its basics. 

Leonardo Da Vinci´s University

Let´s learn a bit more about Leonardo...

History and Arts: Museums around the world.

Look at these beautiful museums and then guess which are their names.... play at home!!

History and Arts

Would you like to know who is Leonardo Da Vinci was?

CLICK HERE: Animated Hero Classics: Leonardo da Vinci

Here´s more...

Do you know how to make a medieval painting?

Take a look because your turn is coming soon...